How to paint a Wii gold, to match gold controllers?

Bent 00

Hello. I've been thinking about customizing a Wii of mine by painting it gold. I've got the gold Wii Remote+, nunchuk, and classsic controller, so only the system itself needs the Midas touch.

My question is: Where do I start? I've never customized a console before. I'm not afraid of taking my Wii apart... I just don't know much about spray-painting. I've read that I should sand down the plastic first, then spray in even layers, and finally seal it with something. A in-depth tutorial with pictures would be really helpful, but I haven't had any luck finding one yet.

If anyone here could share or direct me to the info I'm looking for, I'd appreciate it.

For reference, here are pics of the gold controllers I have:

http://moderncollecting.files.wordpress ... .jpg?w=593
http://moderncollecting.files.wordpress ... .jpg?w=593
http://moderncollecting.files.wordpress ... .jpg?w=593

My goal is to paint just the Wii's shell that exact shade of gold. I'm thinking it would be best to leave the Power, Reset, and Eject buttons white, so their labels remain intact.

Also, I've considered just ordering a gold system skin or replacement case. However, the few I could find for sale online do not seem to match the gold controllers.

Thanks for reading, and for any advice!
In my limited knowledge here, I think you are better off not sanding it down and just painting over.
That's not from sanding problems. That happens when you have too much paint on it. Specifically when you put too thick a coat on and don't let it cure before adding another.
Dunno bout that link, but paint doesnt stick well to glossy surfaces like the wiis, so you have to sand it lightly with high grit sandpaper before you paint. Do a light coat, sand, light coat, sand, keep doing that till u get full coverage.
I sent a message to ishmael:


I would like some advice from you on how to spray-paint a Wii properly. I'm planning to paint a white one gold, leaving only the Power, Reset, and Eject Buttons white (so I don't lose the labels). It's important to me that I match shade and texture (as closely as possible) of the official gold controllers I have.


I've been reading up the past couple of days, and it looks like I should:

- Take the Wii apart, and store the electronics in a bag
- Sand down the case with fine sandpaper
- Use Montana Gold spraypaint to paint in even layers, allowing time to dry
- Seal

You said in a post that primer isn't necessary, so I won't need any of that.

Here's what I'm unclear on:

- How do I match the shade of gold that my controllers are? Do I just "eyeball" it, or is there a better way?
- Should I sand down each layer of paint after it's applied (excluding the final coat, obviously...)
- What's the best sealer to use with Montana Gold spraypaint?

My goal is to create something similar to this:


Except less glossy, and with no Hylian crest. (Although one of those might look good in the middle, instead of in the corner...)


Looking forward to his response.

"You'll want a gloss finish for the console."

I'm guessing the paint can will be labelled as matte or glossy, right? Hmm. The gold controllers I have do not seem to be as glossy as the other colors. Sure I shouldn't go matte instead?

Here's a video of the gold CCP:

EDIT: Something else I just thought of: What do I do about the Nintendo and ATI logos?

I'm guessing that I just paint over them both, covering up the ATI logo, and try not to flood the recessed Nintendo logo with too much paint. Do I need to sand inside the Nintendo logo somehow?

If I want to keep the Wii logo on the front, do I cover up the existing silver one, or make a stencil of it, paint over it with white, apply the stencil, and paint over the stencil (like what has been done here)?
Bent 00 said:
I think it's better to sand, according to what I've read today.

Here's what happened to one guy who did not sand before painting:

Details here:
Be honest though, that's really cool looking anyway. I paint controllers, you don't have to sand (at least the xbox controllers that I've done you haven't been affected much either way). I would say though, that maybe they turned out a bit better if I sandblasted them first.

This is how my personal controller looks after many an hour of gaming, it was sandblasted, primed and then coated with paint twice.
Large Image Link
What's not cool about it is that the gold paint is going to flake off wherever it cracked.

I'm still trying to figure out which shade/texture/etc. of paint to use. Montana Gold looks good, and some have recommended Testors brand paint... Maybe I should talk to someone in a figurine/model-painting forum?

Nice 360 controller. Why blue and yellow?