How do you completely backup your ipod?


Active Member
I know what you must be thinking
( wow what a dumb question )

But I have a bad experience backing up ipod data, because once i backed up my ipod touch data with itunes and when i tried to recover it only put the app data, pictures, and safari bookmarks ( NO music, videos, or apps ) WTF!!
So is it different for the ipod (non touch) on itunes. Or is there a different method of backing up ipod data

Also i wanted to back it up on my external hard drive because my computer only has 40gb free and i need to backup 160gb of music. So can i back it up on my external HD

Thank You
It doesn't really matter if i can just backup music :D . If i can backup everthing :awesome:

also i use windows, mac, and ubuntu all on one computer