How can I make a portable rimshot device?


Frequent Poster
How cool would that be?

Anyway I have looked at the "cheap record/playback thing from radio shack" option but it would sound like balls.

So I am now looking at the "get a IC and program the sound into it and attach it up to a quality speaker" option.

How do I do it?
When I saw portable rimshot device I thought of rimFIRE, meaning a portable gun. Sometimes I am so dumb it amazes even me.
XCVG said:
When I saw portable rimshot device I thought of rimFIRE, meaning a portable gun. Sometimes I am so dumb it amazes even me.

Happens to the best of us. Anyway, this project would be cool for the "showoff effect"
Decent speaker = amplification required... in the end, as a microcontroller project it isn't the hardest thing to do, and wouldn't need that much power (unless you were using a REAL decent speaker.)