Help with 555 timer chip


So first off I am a beginner when it comes to this stuff and Ive only done very simple things up until now. This for me anyway is the most complicated project I have ever taken on. Im at a stand still. What you see in the pic is an N64 controller. Im am trying to connect a one shot timer to the C-Down button(CD) marked with the red circle. I already know where the ground and power wires are going to go but I dont exactly know where the Trigger and Output wires will go..

The green circle marks the end of the trace for the CDown but its so small of a piece I cant imagine not getting solder on the other pins. So there must be another way. Where the blue is circled I had an idea to maybe cut the trace and create two solder spots by sanding off the solder mask and just sort of by passing that area so the signal goes into the chip that back to the trace and into the center. Its a small area to work with and I imagine I would probably cut the C-Right Trace too, which is fine since I dont need it.

Also note the gold dot above the CDown button is the Signal, can I solder the wire to that? Or would it disrupt the signal?

Again, I am beginner and I know im biting off more than I can chew, but its a fun project and I really enjoy this sort of thing. Hopefully I can get some help


I have a question before I can provide help, what exactly do you want to trigger the 555 timer? Do you want the button itself to trigger the 555 timer, and have the 555 timer delay the button press?
The_Next_Guy said:
I have a question before I can provide help, what exactly do you want to trigger the 555 timer? Do you want the button itself to trigger the 555 timer, and have the 555 timer delay the button press?

Hey thanks for the quick reply. Sorry I suppose I should have explained my intentions.

So this whole experiment is for the sake of one game. Smash Bros. See I had this idea, what if you could make just one of the jump(C) buttons consistently do a short jump, or shot hop rather. In this case, what I want is the C Down to be that button. In order to achieve this normally, you need to press it very fast otherwise you do a full jump.

I am sure this can be done though I have found nothing on it online, and the closest thing I have found is rapid fire mods for xbox360 controllers, which many CoD players like. But yeah this is different.

So what I want to happen is when the button is pressed, the signal is hit but very fast, and despite my finger being left on the button the signal was already sent and wont send again until the button is pressed again.
The_Next_Guy said:
Ok so you want to press C Down and it have jump Repeatedly?

No. Just once until pressed again, like normal, except very quick, if possible. As if I were to hit the button very fast to achieve half a jump except it wouldnt matter how fast I took my finger off the button.
Ok so when you press the button down you want the signal go from high to low then high really fast then you want it to reset when you lift the button. Got it let me draw something up for you really quick
Precisely. Please try to make it understandable for a beginner. Again perhaps this was a bit advanced of a project for myself but I still want to do it. Thanks again!