FS/T: Broken 3.5" Screen


I have a broken 3.5" screen I bought from ebay recently. I was messing with the potentiometer on the back of the board, witch changes the brightness of the backlight, and I slipped and my screwdriver shorted a couple pins :sweat: and made it so the screen only shows white, and occasionally it shows some black lines witch just fade away to just white again. So I bought a new one and now I'm selling the broken one. :awesome:
Pics on request.
I will send the screen and fried driver board only. I can provide pinouts for where to hook ground and where to hook video and stuff like that. This screen runs on 12V ONLY! I've tried lower voltages, and it won't turn on :wtf: .
Make an offer and tell me the state you live in and ill tell you how much it costs to ship it to you. ONLY SHIPPING TO US.
And please NO :trollface: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll:
Re: FS: Broken 3.5" Screen

On second thought, I want pictures of the controller board, the LCD's front and back and, the end of the FFC.
Re: FS: Broken 3.5" Screen

Ok here you go, it is a zipped folder because I am too lazy to upload the pics one by one :trollface:
The Pictures
And is the FFC the paper thin wire thingy from the screen or the connector for that on the board? Not sure witch one :dahroll:
also for teh lulz :trollface: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: :dahroll: