First SNES Portable Complete!

This is the second portable I've completed. I figured I would post this one; I think it came out well! It was influenced heavily by ones I've seen on the forums.


The insides




Wow! This is just awesome. I love the paintjob and the use of SNES buttons for screen controls.

One of the coolest SNESp's I've seen!
Awesome paint job ! Only complaint is the wooden cartslot, that looks pretty angulous ^^ but that rounded screen holes is pretty awesome. Nice colors also !
Here's a couple videos of me playing...sorry in advance for the poor quality video, it was taken with my webcam on my laptop..I had to reach around my laptop and play the portable while my girlfriend manned the webcam controls...needless to say the outcome is a poor video; however, as you can see the portable works great!
