Downing @ Oculus?


Well-Known Member
Plane tickets are in hand and Thursday the 14th I'll be on a plane bound for Orange County! Hard to express how excited I am for this and really excited to see Tchay, Beta and Aux again and see what they've been up too since they started working at Oculus!

So with that said, I've got the interview on Friday the 15th and will be spending the weekend in CA as I've never been there before and would love to check it out. Hopefully Tchay will be able to hold my hand and protect me from the vast unknowns of L.A. as I'm sure I've never dealt with anything quite like it before. :confused: I hear Boston is cake to navigate in comparison to L.A. sooo...yeah.

Anyway, just thought I'd share the news! Getting excited to finally try out VR for the first time as well and meet up with Palmer! Should be fun!
Yeah I'm really looking forward to trying that bad boy out! I've yet to use one and can only imagine what seeing the dev kit and HD proto is going to be like.

That said, this will be more of a general interview and to check/test the waters on both sides to see if something may be possible (having a life on the other side of the country can throw a wrench into things) but with an emphasis of being a project manager. That's what I applied for anyway but really it's all open to find out what may very well be the best fit.

I mean the development process of the Cross Plane taught me a lot. Not just about product development but also the follow through and the type of market the consumer electronics really is. I think I've got a fair bit to offer to the company, just a matter of logistics really.

But, that could be putting the cart before the horse so we'll see what plays out Friday! Three more days!
Fortunately I won't be doing any driving in LA. Flying right in to OC and if a LA trip is possible, hopefully Tchay will be able to guide me. haha
There isn't really much reason to go to LA-proper. We can definitely do games and drinks at my place Saturday night or something.
Yeah, whatever is fine with my :), the weekend is open and I'm not leaving until Monday morning so there will be plenty of time for whatever.
What an awesome time I had yesterday at Oculus! Getting to finally meet Palmer and seeing Beta, Tchay and Aux again was just awesome! Long ass trip though and I'm not a fan of Newark Airport anymore.

But, all in all I think the interview went well and I hope that I'll have a chance to be a part of this incredible team! They are doing some crazy stuff there and I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be working!