Donkey Konga 3

i am wanting to find and buy a copy of this i have just ordered a freeloader so thats covered any one have it or know where to get it?

At first I didn't know what you were talking about when you said Donkey Konga "3", because I thought they stopped at two, but then I saw that japan released a Donkey Konga 3. so yeah, whoops. Japan...those guyz are too kewl.

Anyway, yeah, if you just search google, or any other preferred search-engine the following : 'Donkey Konga 3 iso download'
If you did that, chances are high you will find a link that will allow you to put that .iso file on to an SD card and then into your freeloader thang.

Personally I like Guitar Hero better, but Donkey Konga at the time was the bees-knees!! idk... :p

Gewd luck!
I think he wants an import copy, the freeloader being to boot it.

I saw some Japanese import game places on the internet, but can't name any. Try googling "Japanese Video Games" or something like that.
mako321 said:
SHAPOW if that's the right thing
thanks buh i havent got that money atm