Darkslkayer's first ps2 portable Ps2 micro


Active Member
I had an old ps2 slim 79001 laying around and I decided to make it into a portable
it is going to have a 5'' screen to 5.6 ''(any good ones? i need a squareish one. I'm trying to find a dailan good screen but a can't find a decent one. any links?)
a disk drive ( there sould be more portables with disk drives)
external memory card slot 2 ( for psx and ps2 saves)
a internal slot one 8 mb memory card with freemcboot installed
yes batterys (don't know which ones yet,i find out later)
the case is going to be frankencased
anyway there are the plans

here is what the actual case would look like
Re: 6 inch ps2 portable

Thanks TimeTravel
Quick Update
I ordered a new mobo from ebay. It should fit-I took prescise mesurements
The screen I pondering to do a zenith psone screen or a 5inch review car monitor I need a 5-5.6'' squareish screen or a5'' widescreen but tallish. Any suggestions on a screen?
For the batterys I had an Idea. If I get 2 wiiu batterys wire then up togather (3.7v+ 3.7v=7.4v)
could I use them as the battery?I'm asking because I saw that they are 3000 mah (doubled 6000mah) But if I did this how would I charge it?
Edit I found a dailan screen on ebay which I'll be useing
The Backup monitors from ebay will be much more vibrant.
$26.50 for a 800*480 isn't bad either.
You will need a separate audio amp though.

You will save a lot of power using the eBay screen as well.

As for the Wii u battery,
You would only get 3000mah at 7.4v with two batteries.
Check out the Voltage section for info on wiring batteries.
Batteryspace.com is the best option for batteries.
I worked alot on the case this weekend
my progress
I wired up an 8mb freemcboot mc and a mini controller board from rcd



sorry for the crappy cellphone pics
It is going to be a little bigger then my original plan because of the screens size
I decided to paint the case black and the buttons red
I have some questions about the battery
Which senario would last longer
1 two of this
http://www.batteryspace.com/polymerli-ioncell37v5000mah896474-2c185wh10arateullisted.aspx wired in series -each 5000 mah total 7.4 v


three of this
http://www.batteryspace.com/polymerli-ioncell37v5000mah896474-2c185wh10arateullisted.aspx wired in series -each 5000 mah total 11.1 v
I have to give a special thanks to Vskid from Modretro, he sent me ps3 controllers which i used un my portable
picture flood
started on the back





I should be able to get this finaly painted at the end of the week (hopefuly) sigh* sand sand sand bondo bondo bondo
So i had a question about the batterys
could i use any of these laptop batterys take them apart and use the individual cells
or http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Li-ion-...47971?pt=Laptop_Batteries&hash=item25668c1b23
I understand that i would need a pcb and a smart charger.
Edit woops fixed pics