D pads for dummies?


Hey, I've build portables before, but always used four separate buttons for d pad purposes. I'd like to do it legit this time and use the original SNES d pad. Every time I put the d Pad in and the tact switches under, and secure it, the d pad either doesn't move, or each direction puts pressure on the wrong switch for some reason. How would you all recommend going about this process? (I've also tried using the original rubber mechanism, for even worse results)
I find for the rubber tack switches the board around and in the center on the switches needs to be raised, so the tact switches are a little bit further away from the dpad.

Slice up some board and super/hot glue them down enough so that they hit the circular template for the dpad. glue down the bit that goes in the center last after some testing; I usually have to sand down a very small fraction (less than a millimeter) to get everything to sit properly
Do you mean something like this?



That might work, but I've been struggling with this as well. I'm actually going to just use a NES controller PCB, cut out the part so that the rubber pad will line up to the PCB correctly and run that to the SNES chip on the controller. That way it will feel like the real thing and not have the double press issue.