Custom Gameboy Color SP

Hey, I was looking for some advice.
I was wondering if I could fit a Gameboy Advance SP into my old Gameboy Color.
Maybe add some buttons on the back for the bumpers.
I want to keep it the original teal color but paint the buttons glow in the dark white.
I also want to change the power LED from red to white.
If it's possible, I want to include the rechargeable battery. That would be awesome.
Let me know if what I'm trying to make is even possible and what your thoughts on it are.
Thanks! :tophat:
People have done it with the Dmg (original Gameboy) and the Pocket, people have probably done it with the Color too.
In this thread: Palmer mentioned that he put the gba sp in the pocket but it took a lot of work (motherboard trimming and case mods).
Of course the pocket is smaller than the Color so it might be easier.

Annnndddd here's the misc links to different informational threads.
Gba Sp in Dmg guide: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=11746
Also since you might be new to modding (not sure) here's some of the stuff you might need: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11511
General modding sticky: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1195
Yea that should pretty much start you out on this mod if you really really want to do it;