Could someone help me understand this diagram correctly?


Well-Known Member
Building a guitar with a Les Paul Junior style pickup configuration. I'm just not so clear what exactly everything means.

Red = Pickup
Green = Volume potentiometer
Blue = Tone potentiometer

It's really not that complicated. I have no electronics experience and I know this.
Okay and what connection is the rectangle on the output jack referring to? Lastly, the connections that aren't on the pins are connections to the pot's body directly?
The yellow thing is the entire output jack. The rectangle is just part of it.
I'm not sure about the pots, though.
Just try to find another schematic or a pic of one built and see how its put together...
S5114 said:
Lastly, the connections that aren't on the pins are connections to the pot's body directly?

Yes, just solder directly to the outside of the pot. It just combines all the ground lines together so that you can run one line to the bridge to be grounded. That's how my squire had it set up when I rewired it a while ago.