Commission for a portable N64?

After lurking for a while and toying with the idea of building my own, I decided to make my account and start things off. I still plan to build one at some point, but for now, I'm more interested in just having the Dang thing.

SO. What would be the next step for requesting a commission on a portable N64? How much would it cost?

Thanks in advance, guys!
People like Hail go over every little detail to ensure quality and longevity. That way you most likely would never need to send it back for repairs or anything of the liking. It would be money well spent IMO.
Ugly: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=17
Alright: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3167
Quality: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10901

That said, I could think of lots of different examples for each tier, and they'd all vary in size, shape, beauty. It's in the eye of the IGNOREer really. Get imaginative and look around, you may find something close to what you want, then go from there.

It really depends on what you want and who you want/trust to commission. I could probably do one for you.

You can get a decent one for less than $550, especially if you watch the junkyard for one that someone wants to get rid of. I could barely find a buyer for the grape64 and I ended up getting around $400 for it. *cranky old man voice* These spoiled kids and their vitas and 3ds systems have no respect for the classics. *cranky old man voice*