Charging electric scooter batteries?

I picked up an as-is electric scooter at a garage sale for $10. The person running the garage sale told me it was found on the berm during spring clean-up, but they couldn't get it running because they didn't have a key. I brought it home and hot-wired it and got it started up. It runs now, but it's pretty weak. I think the batteries on it are pretty much dead, but it didn't come with a charger.

Can I charge it with some other charger (modded to fit)? I'm not really sure how battery charging works, so I figured I'd ask before I go and blow up the batteries. It's the 2 port plug version found here: ... parts.html

It charges 3 12V batteries in series. I've read that the charger stops it from overcharging, so I guess that would be a problem if I tried rigging something up myself.
well its worth a shot..a dead electric scooter for $10 is the only thing on the line just try it out and see :D. let me know how it works out too!
Car battery charger on the lowest amp setting. charge overnight and you should have no problem. (this is ONLY if the batteries are 12v!!!)