Case Design


After the portableising gods saved my 64 I am back. After about the 5th hour of testing the electronics the 64 turned off so I assumed the voltage was to low for it or something. I was quite confused because the screen was still on and the voltage was still ok (running 11.1v 6.8Ah). After closer inspections my Ti regulator broke and gave my 3.4v a nice 7.4v. I hooked the 64 board back up with the original power outlet a week ago (few months after the test) and it still runs! Don't ask me how the 64 did not break, but I wont complain :D!
I am not waiting on a few new parts I orderd. All i need now (I think) is an audio amp (recommendations would be appreciated) and anything new I might break.
For a robotics group I need to design some parts for a challenge. I have only used Inventor Pro for assemblies so with no previous knowledge I just started playing around. I build this concept for the case front and decided I would share it with you! This is in Pre-Alfa stage so...

I do not think im going to print it, but if I get the option I will. Some things are quite ugly like the c and d pad I know. Any comments or recommendations are welcomed! This is more of a reintroduction post than anything.
I would say i'm sorry for the big picture but come on bigger is always better, o wait...
You are so lucky. I have murdered more than 8 N64's learning how to trim boards, ram upgrades, and such. I also had a project that I was mostly done and the N64 just died for no reason. Trying to repair it ended up in destroying the case so I junked the whole thing. :( I've heard of people being able to just plug in a "dead" N64 weeks later and it working but never for me.

As for your case I personally like symmetry, so if it was my project I would move the D-Pad up so it is in line with the C buttons. It would be awesome if you printed your case because you'd be among the first to do so on this site. Before you spend the all the time printing try building a mock up out of wood of your case. My portable (that's still in progress) went through many redesigns because I found many versions too uncomfortable to reach all the buttons.

As for an audio amp, try this one out with some 3DS speakers:
Or this one if you like the differen't volume control method: ... 4ac74e12bb

The PAM8403 appears to be a good amp. I ordered the top one but I haven't received it yet. Don't buy the one that looks like this unless you like SMD soldering (the C5 cap is missing):
