Anyone familiar with the Thrustmaster PSone screen?


I recently bought a Thrustmaster screenmate PSone screen, which I (hopefully , if I get it to work) will be using in my first portable.

But. I can't get any image on the screen. Composite that is.

I know with the Sony screen you can connect the cables directly to the 2 pin slots on the pcb,
but since this has a different layout, I'm currently using the original A/V jack you connect to the console. Should work, right?

Following, I have connected it like this:

Does it look right? The video source is currently a PAL Wii with composite cable.

I´m getting sound, but no picture.
When the screen is turned on you can see light and dark vertical areas moving up and down on the screen.
When I connect the video, the areas stop moving, but nothing more.

What do you think?


If anyone's intrested, it turns out this screen does'nt seem to accept composite video,and since I don't have a RGB cable, I made my own:


High quality stuff! :p


just need to adjust the image a bit. A bit more color and contrast would be nice :)
bentomo said:
Where do you get that stuff?

I got it from my old school, which I think got/bought scrap pieces of it from a local company,
as whole blocks are quite expensive.
I think it's actally called "rigid polyurethane foam" and comes in various densities.

I'm not entirely sure, but a lot of companies working with prototype manufacturing
and stuff like that could have smaller pieces they don't need.
zeturi said:
Looks like it might be good for vac-forming molds.

It should work quite well I guess. It's easy to cut and sand, and with the denser ones you can get a good amount of detail.
Not sure how much heat it can handle though...
I've never done any vac-forming so I don't know how hot it gets

Hugo_Peters said:
Is this screen the same as Thrustmaster's GameCube screen?
Because I've ordered one!


Got any pictures of it?
I like this screen because it's got separate pcbs which makes it easier to fit in a case.