Anime discussion thread.


Forum Blooper
Lets discuss anime.

I need to watch Madoka, *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing asap, that just looks so godDang amazing, looks like it takes a total spin on the "pretty battle princess" anime subgenre.
are there any decently subbed ones out there?

Azumanga Daioh is a genius slice of life comedy, and lucky star is pretty darn clever too.

Deathnote is amazingly well written.

No naruto or avatar, we get it.

Now lets discuss.

I need to get into Deathnote so badly. I keep forgetting and then get a reminder of the show (like this thread).

I chilled with Palmer and Mario a month ago and between our manlove sessions, Palmer reminded me of how badly I need to watch the show. :awesome:
I might get eaten alive for this but Madoka is quite overrated. Don't get me wrong, the animation and sound is superb, but the story is mediocre for the majority of the series and never quite recovers. It deserves praise for the art/sound, but if you go into it expecting another Eva, then you'll be vastly disappointed. It's kinda like FLCL, except it isn't a parody so the story is "serious", and ends up dragging on.
I remember season zero of yugioh was pretty good. I think the pharoh sets people on fire and flax, pretty badass.

Zero said:
I might get eaten alive for this but Madoka is quite overrated. Don't get me wrong, the animation and sound is superb, but the story is mediocre for the majority of the series and never quite recovers. It deserves praise for the art/sound, but if you go into it expecting another Eva, then you'll be vastly disappointed.
I don't mind if the story is mediocre most of the time, so long as it executes what is has well.

Lucky star arguably had awful writing, but the flow between comedy and imaginative scenarios worked well for it. That being said, it is a comedy, and this is a "serious" anime. Nonetheless, I'll heed your warning and not expect anything spectacular story-wise.
I'm currently watching Macross Frontier (and I've been rewatching Cowboy Bebop on my phone during civics, but thats different). Its pretty Dang good.

I need to get around to Madoka, but there's some things on my list before that. Also trying to decide if I wanna watch Haiyore! Nyaruko San S2 as it airs, or wait till its complete and then marathon it.

Thirdly, I just moments ago finished watching Nausicaa: Valley of the Winds for the umpteenth time. Ghibli is Odin's studio, I swear.
Oh come now, my list isnt that big.

Divergence EVE
This ugly yet beautiful world
Madoka magica
Kono Naka ni Hitori
b gata h kei
Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka
Full metal panic
Usagi Drop
Angel Beats
Hidamari Sketch
pretty cure
hidan no Aria
date alive
tasogare otome x amnesia
Rosario + vampire
Code Geass
a certain magical index
Cat planet cuties
elfen lied
Zero no Tsukaima
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
kill me baby
Baka and test
Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero
Gurren lagann
lucky star
Heavens lost property
the world god only knows
infinite stratos
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi

At least, those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head...
Hermaphroditus said:
I feel nearly 1/5 of that list were suggestions I gave.
I feel like nearly 1/5th of that list are probably gay was recommended by everyone.
Three episodes into madoka.. what the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* that got dark quick.

EDIT: Also, tips to prevent marathoning? I always end up marathoning anime. Finish one episode and cant help jumping into the next. -.-

EDIT: So after marathoning madoka, dang that was interesting. I must admit, they effectively restarted the plot twice in the last few episodes of the show, first when we see Homura is an anime doctor who, and secondly after madoka becomes god. So I would say that the story was well written to begin with, then became increasingly more ridiculous as it went along. However I think the intention was for the story to become so ridiculous that it was acceptable, at least that's what I'm inclined to believe.
So it definitely touches on a number of themes and ideas throughout, and I absolutely loved the visual motifs, and how they all sort of merged together towards the final episodes. So as ridiculous as it may have seemed, I feel the execution of the story was done quite well, even if far-fetched.

There is also the fact that the opening and closing themes change meaning entirely as the story progresses, and its ambiguity helps it in that way, I guess.
My list of the ones I've watched is small.

  • Fullmetal Alchemist
  • FMA: Brotherhood
  • FLCL
  • Fruits Basket
  • Naruto

FMA/FMA:B were amazing. I liked Brotherhood's ending better but I highly recommend both. I thought both the writing and the art style were excellent, and the latter improved by the use of high definition in Brotherhood. The PS2 games were pretty fun too.

FLCL: Weird as Heck but well worth watching. Bizarre story but great writing and acting. The animation was simply gorgeous and the soundtrack rocked. Also recommended.

Fruits Basket was a girl-oriented show that my sister decided to make my mom and me watch with her. Not bad overall, but kind of your stereotypical kawaii anime in a number of ways. Interesting premise, though.

Naruto was lame. Another one my sister had us watch and I can't believe we made it through six seasons of it before giving up. The story wasn't anything spectacular, but it was worth following for a while. However, it ended up just dragging on and there's a ridiculously excessive amount of filler. Season Six was literally just a single fight scene they dragged out into 20+ episodes. Avoid.
Antome, I actually prefer marathoning for all shows. It's why I don't really like watching shows when they're still airing, because I hate waiting a week or whatever to see what happens.

Also, I highly recommend Steins;Gate, it's a pretty awesome show.
I got a friend to get madoka too, and we watched the first few episodes. Re-watching it was actually really interesting, seeing all of the incredible foreshadowing that occured, and the inherent dramatic irony of it.

The madoka movies aren't out on DVD yet, are they? Apparently the first two are a merged and longer cut of the main series, and the third will be a different/new/separate story.

I'll look into it, zero. I need to actually finish deathnote too.
I'm a bit late to the party, but...
I fully support any FLCL recommendations. I mean, it's six episodes long, I'm sure you can watch it.
I personally love One Piece, and I don't know why in particular. It's not a strongly recommended show, I would say give it a shot. It's pretty mainstream.
I loved what I watched of Deathnote, but I didn't watch too much of it.
I adore Soul Eater, I wholeheartedly recommend that series. It's funny, has awesome battle sequences, and has pretty good writing imo

My favorite anime is probably Baccano! which is only 16 episodes long, and it should still be on Netflix. It's about immortal prohibition-era gangsters, and has a massive number of main characters. It's friggin' great.