The 7808 doesn't draw amps; it just wastes a bit more power than a switching regulator like a pth08000. The 7808 is more readily available, but wastes a bit more power and you will need to heat sink it. The pth08000 is more efficient and will not need any heat sinking.

If you can, order a pht08000 sample from TI. It's free, and all you need to buy is a resistor and capacitor to use it. It'll give you better battery life.
How does it waste power, a lot, or a little? Also with the pth08000, where would i connect the resistor and capacitor, and what kind of resistor and capacitor would i need?
A lot of power, but the absolute amount it wastes depends on how much you are drawing from it and how high the input voltage is. If you are only using say 100mA of power and inputting 12V, it's going to at least seem a lot more efficient than if you were drawing 1000mA of power and inputting 20V.

Oh, and don't forget a heatsink.