7805 switcharoo


So, I have an interesting idea. I don't know if anyone's tried this before:

So, we all know that with a normal 7805, the efficiency isn't perfect. We all also know that the psone screen utilizes 2 7805s. what if one were to use a switching regulator that can handle a relatively high current, then removed the 7805s from their screen and powered those 5v lines off the switching regulator? Then, say the system involved is a 5v system. So we power it off of that. My question, I suppose, is how much would one cut back on current expenditure if they were to, instead of using three separate 7805s, use one switching regulator?
That would be effective. However, I would bet that the backlight consumes a considerably greater amount than all the logic does. However, your idea is not a bad one.
Yea, also running off of this 5v line would be LEDs to replace the backlight. I think I have an idea in mind for an uber efficient portable. 7.4v battery purely for the 7.4 in on the PSone screen, which I understand doesnt do much, but is nessecary. Then I clip the pins on both 7805 regulators on the screen board and send a switching regulator'd 5v to them. Then I LED mod the screen and run it off that. Then, finally, I use the same line on the system. I'd need something of a heavy duty regulator, but it shouldn't get over 2A. Maybe not even over 1A depending on the system.