3DS Analog Boards


Well-Known Member
Does anyone want one? Just making sure, because I don't want to invest a bunch of money if nobody wants it :D. Also, for anyone that doesn't know, with this board, 3DS analogs have no crawling.

- mymixed
Are the slight range issues fixed? I'd be interested if they're 100% working full range no crawling. Say 6-8 for me, as long as they're not some ridiculous high price. How big is the board?
Awesome! Crawling is fixed, at least on my analog. I still have to look into range, but it probably won't be that hard to fix. If anyone has any measurements for it at 3.3v, that would be very helpful. I just want to make sure all of the analog's backlash is at the same voltages. V1 board size is 20mm X 20mm. As of price, what do you guys think?

- mymixed
without knowing what goes into a unit maybe $5-7? or maybe have a version made for two sliders in one unit at a discount?
Yes, after some major math calculations, I've decided I'll probably make the boards around $7. I also do eventually plan to make a two analog version, witch shouldn't be that hard. More progress soon, and Rev 1 boards are at the post office!

- mymixed
Me and Micro from GameSx.com were working on a board that corrects the PSP analog to a GC controller. Everything is done, schematics, codes, filters needed, etc.. On a oscilloscope looks very well :D
The code was writen originally for the Atmega48 DIP, wich is too large, and adapted to an Attiny24 SOIC wich is just very small. Will be perfect!

I've ordered some microcontrollers and I'm waiting for those. When I have everything done, I'll show how to make your own! :awesome: