360 chatpad - useful?


I'm mostly a PC guy, so I don't know much about these. A friend of mine has offered to sell me his chatpad for $10. Which is slightly cheaper than I could get it used online (assuming I don't want to troll ebay until I snipe a better price - which I don't). The thing is, I'm not sure how useful it will be. I think it seems like a cool thing to have, but I'm not sure I'd ever do anything with it. Are there any games that take advantage of it? Do you use yours, if you have one? What do you do with it?
It's a lot easier sending massages over XBL with this, rather than using the joystick and going over every letter. It's useful.
Can you use it for PC? If so, I'd grab a 360 controller and one of those right away.
No, you can't use the chatpad on PC. At least, not connected normally. You can mod it and flash it, THEN use it via usb on a PC (the chatpad itself, not connected to a controller). But I don't have a use for that currently.
Kyosho said:
No, you can't use the chatpad on PC. At least, not connected normally. You can mod it and flash it, THEN use it via usb on a PC (the chatpad itself, not connected to a controller). But I don't have a use for that currently.
could be neat on a pcp, but I cant think of a another real use.
Holy flax, Sam is right. A physical keyboard on a PCp would be so awesome.
J.D said:
Holy flux, Sam is right. A physical keyboard on a PCp would be so awesome.
Yeah. I thought about having one on mine, but I cant really think of a place to put it, and really, since the main purpose is gaming, you dont need to type much, unless you wanted multiplayer chat. And for me, I mostly play singleplayer, so I decided not to bother.
Yeah. I considered it on mine. I even considered making it detachable, but in the end there wasn't need for it.
I would love to have one, since I hate touchscreen keyboards with a passion. I've been texting like 80% less ever since I got my Motorola Atrix last week.
I don't mind touchscreen keyboards too much- maybe a little worse than the microscopic physical ones on cell phones and such. Can't stand joystick selection, though. It is painfully slow. So is T9, but that's because of a lack of practice on my part more than anything.

I'm a PC gamer and (bad) typist, and it's a night and day difference. Hit Y, hammer flax out in a couple seconds, enter. On a console, it takes forever to send a simple message. But hey, everyone uses voice chat now anyway.
Get one, split it in half, have it on each side of a PCp.

I'd do that, then again I still have ridiculously stupid(GOVERNMENT FUNDED) plans for a PCp of my own.
