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  1. T

    Final "X-Top" Xbox 360 Laptop

    Hey all, This unfortunately is my last contribution to the modding community for the foreseeable future, these things take an incredible amount of time and I'm trying to graduate this year. The second half of the video is me opening it up and talking through/pointing out most all of the...
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    "X-Top S" 360 Laptop Complete

    What a surprise, another commissioned X-Top! Anyway, the new stuff this time is an internal power brick, the Slim 360 incorporated, HDMI out and a huge reduction in noise (only two small fans added for the PS). The beast weighs in at 12.5 lbs., making it almost exactly as heavy as our last...
  3. T

    X-Top Mark II - Finished!

    Here we go again! In early April Rug and I were reactivated via commission to build a second X-Top. The whole build process went much smoother as a whole, though we did still run into our fair share of small snags along the way. Special thanks to collinE for his help with the troubleshooting of...
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    360 Laptop Work-Blog (Take 2)

    Yep! She went to a very loving home :wink:
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    360 Laptop Work-Blog (Take 2)

    Rug and I have been commissioned to build another Xbox 360 Laptop so I thought I'd let those interested know that once again our progress can be followed on my blog at Now that we know what we're doing we predict that this project will move along several times...
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    Re: Finished : Hailrazer's 3rd N64 Portable -- Kamikaze Clone Absolutely gorgeous. Excellent work Hail.
  7. T

    "X-Top" 360 Laptop FS on eBay!

    Dropped the starting bid to $.99! Really need this thing to go, college tuition is coming up soon, pass it along please!
  8. T

    "X-Top" 360 Laptop FS on eBay!

    The last auction ended up with only a couple flakes bidding, so I threw it up again with a 25% lower starting bid. Really hoping to find a good home for this beauty, so if you know anyone who might be interested please pass it along...
  9. T

    "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished!

    Re: "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished! *Price Dropped Threw it back up for a 25% lower starting bid. Hopefully someone picks it up this time around. We'll lose some money on it but at least we'll get to eat next month :lol:
  10. T

    "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished!

    Haha I don't think exposure was the issue with the YouTube video sitting at 112,000 views and the auction ending with over 17,000. I guess I understand that people are hesitant to bid on something created by two college kids with no track record for this sort of thing. I have had a couple people...
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    "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished!

    Re: "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished! On Ebay! Oh well. I guess now we'll see if anyone expresses any interest knowing that it didn't sell. :(
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    "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished!

    Re: "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished! On Ebay! Not a bad idea at all. I will definitely keep that in mind next time. Even after its completion this project is teaching me things. Who woulda thought.
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    "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished!

    Re: "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished! On Ebay! Yeah, we've had three bids posted and then retracted :neutral2:
  14. T

    "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished!

    Re: "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished! On Ebay! When I did my personal tip to engadget I made sure to link it here, oh well :( I saw they picked it up at about 1am last night, at which point the YouTube video had about 500 views. When I got up this morning at 10:30am, it was up over 5,000 and is...
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    "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished!

    Re: "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished! On Ebay! Thanks for the kind words everyone! It's definitely nice to have something that took so much work be well received :) I did see it go up on Hack-A-Day and Technabob as well, definitely cool to see it circulating around. Hats off to you for that Palmer!
  16. T

    "X-top" 360 Laptop Finished!

    *Here she is in all her glory: m5pWtuTchVk It all started when my close friend posted a picture of one of Ben's laptop's on my Facebook wall with the caption, and I quote, "Build one of these. I'll help." That's exactly what we did. Neither of us had ever touched a soldering iron, we had...
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    Xbox 360 Laptop Work-Blog

    Hey all, I've thrown this up on BH but Palmer asked me to cross post it here for the rest of the world to see :lol: The story is that my friend and I saw a picture of Ben's first 360 Laptop and knew we had to build one. Making use of the guide he's written, we're in the "assembly" stage of...