Search results

  1. Aux

    New 360 Hardware

    Why are they updating the 360 hardware so close to the Xbox ONE launch? And why do I want one so bad? Dang, new 360, you fine. Discuss.
  2. Aux

    WTS: SCSI Hard Drives For Servers And Junk

    So, I don't know how relevant this is for MR people, but I have two HP-brand server-grade hot-swappable SCSI ULTRA-320 hard drives, 10k RPM, 36.4 GB. They are probably useless to you unless you have a server, because these are not SATA. They are SCSI U320, and I don't even know if adapters...
  3. Aux

    The Modder's Toolkit

    What tools do you have, that you use for modding, that are pretty much indispensable? For me, it's my $5 Harbor Freight multimeter, my RatShack 15 W soldering iron, and my set of console bits (Phillips and flathead, plus tri-wing and about ten sizes of security Torx).
  4. Aux

    Why no love for this forum?

    I'm gonna start trimming Xbox boards and building truly ridiculous battery packs, *Can'tSayThisOnTV* gcps.
  5. Aux


    So you want to make a portable. You know that games go in a slot and come out on your TV, and somehow some kind of magic comes from the wall because the game-to-TV translator box doesn't work if it's not plugged in. Maybe you looked at some guides and people started throwing around VOLTS and...
  6. Aux

    Paul Christoforo, A Guy

    He knows the mayor of Boston, who the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* do YOU think you are? tl;dr: President of marketing company for 360 controller mod insults, belittles, and threatens a customer... then Mike Krahulik (Gabe from Penny Arcade). It isn't his first PR...
  7. Aux

    Portal 360 Controller

    Not totally satisfied with how it came out, but for a first paint job ever on something that non-flat, I'll take it. I learned a ton about plastic sanding and painting though, so that's cool. And I still need to do the top bit, forgot about that. On a related note, does anyone have a spare pare...