Recent content by VEGETAtion

  1. VEGETAtion


    well im guess not very many people watch g4....... ninja warrior FTW! :ninj: :awesome:
  2. VEGETAtion

    What is your nerdiest/geekiest moment?

    8 or 9 years ago in 3rd or 4th grade, i was REALLY into zelda OOT (still am :P) and had just gotten the blue power crystal thing...... i was in the library at my school and mimic'd his little dramatic scene when he uses it (blue crystal thing) .... cuz i thought it looked cool...the librarian...
  3. VEGETAtion


    hows everyone going about celebrating april 20th? Ive personally only smoked a couple times long ago (regretted :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: ) .... so i guess im gonna watch super mario bros show........ boring........
  4. VEGETAtion

    What type of wires are popular for portables?

    Im looking for any wire that will work. Whats the most highly suggested type? (I would also like to know which wires won't work.) Please help! :awesome:
  5. VEGETAtion

    N64 controller: joystick to d-pad downgrade?

    this may sound stupid, but is it possible for a n64 joystick to be changed into a d-pad? i hate the joystick for the n64 and would much rather have a d-pad (plus would be real unique :P) if possible, could someone tell me how? (doesent have to be specific)
  6. VEGETAtion

    screens you can and can't use

    anybody know a post that can help me with possibly using a GBA screen?
  7. VEGETAtion

    Gamecube Battery

    Could this be useful to making a GCp?
  8. VEGETAtion

    How-To: Frontlight your Game Boy Color!

    what if the ribbon gets disconnectted from the light?
  9. VEGETAtion

    How-To: Frontlight your Game Boy Color!

    Re: How-inside your baby order of importance: Frontlight your Ga where do you get the resistor in step 14?
  10. VEGETAtion

    GCP minimum battery requirements

    thanks for the help!
  11. VEGETAtion

    GCP minimum battery requirements

    im guessing you noticed my name is vegetation, but mainly VEGETA, lol i seen that 9000 joke coming tho :P
  12. VEGETAtion

    GCP minimum battery requirements

    Ive seen GCPs with 14.8 volts and 4700 mAH, can i go any lower? like say for example, three 3.7v batteries, with 4700 mAH? or just give me a good suggestion :hit: :hit: :hit:
  13. VEGETAtion

    3.7 battery question

    what if i use the two that are from the same phone?
  14. VEGETAtion

    3.7 battery question

    i have four 3.7 batteries, but two of them are from different makers EX. 2 from Samsung phone 1 from phillips mp3 player 1 from different phone would i still be able to use them all as one 14.8 battery? (of course after soldering them together) ((im a newb :P))
  15. VEGETAtion

    Basic Materials for a GC portable?

    What basic list of materials would you recommend for making a GCP? I already know how to make cases for portables, but I need help with the electronics! Heres some stuff I have in my closet.... -Gamecube (duh) -Game Cube Controller (duh) -Portable Polaroid DVD player with 7in" screen (but...