How to wire up power in your portable!

Smart chargers turn off when batteries are done charging. They also do other magical flax while charging, and you don't want to be "trickle charging" batteries.
see, that's why I think it would work--the charger turns off, and since it is no longer charging the batteries, their voltage difference immediately takes over and runs the console, right? Or is there a sudden and violent change in the direction of the current that I'm not accounting for?
Bad idea. You don't want to be charging batteries while they run unless you have access to expensive equipment to smart charge internally, which we haven't quite found a way to do yet.
Well you can do that; however, it's not economically viable for most portablizers.


Can you not see it in the first post?
Now why does he have 8.4v going to the batteries and 7.5v going to the wall power? how would that work with the 3.3v line because you wouldnt want to give it too little with the 7.5v and over charge it with the 8.4v and break the n64. Please explain, I plan to do this on my portable
So (as an example, not really) if i put 12 volts in it would output 3.3 volts but if i put in 7.4 volts it would still output 3.3 volts? Do adjustable buck converters do the same thing? Or do they do as I was explaining in my previous comment?