anyone seen this? kinda annoying!

Not annoying but to me doesn't sound like something I would pick up. I prefer to have my nes on my nes and GameBoy on my GameBoy
The way its advertised is annoying, like its something super rare made by Nintendo. Other than that, these things have been around for years. Many of the cheaper ones suck, but you can get some that do a pretty good job. They're pretty much irrelevant now, with phones and tablets being able to run emulators.
It's not even legal to distribute roms like that... It comes pre-loaded with roms... therefore.. I am going to complain to ebay. ^_^

Admittedly I had every Sega Master System rom, and some emulators burnt to blank CD's about 8 years ago and sold a few on ebay (until they removed my listing due to a complaint).
They color-swap some portions of the game, and they call it something else.

Not like it really matters, they probably have a few hundred accounts ready to peddle NOACS.
Ugh, its just another one of those mp3 player things...I highly doubt a NOAC is even on there, probably just a few emulators packed with ROMs...
Software emulation is far better than the crappy hardware emulation found in NoaC's, especially the early ones found in FC systems and SuperJoys (and their variants).
I used to have one of those. i got it at a garage sale for a few bucks. I can see why it was a few bucks. It's just a crappy emulator with batteries that last maybe 3 hours tops. I could just lug around a real NES instead of using that thing.