Anyone know anything about Android tablets?

Twilight Wolf

Frequent Poster
I've been entertaining the idea of getting myself an Android tablet for a little while now -- since I can't get an Android smartphone it'd be the next best thing. Problem is, I have a rather small budget ($300 or so) and don't know what my options are, really. I thought about the Huawei S7 after trying one at Best Buy, and Palmer recommended the Nationite MIDnite, but I decided against it because I dislike the idea of being a perpetual beta tester.

If anyone can make any suggestions I'd love to have something specific to do research on rather than just clicking on random links.
That's funny, because the one Palmer suggested to you is a recase of the one I wanted to get, the A81-E. The only thing holding me back is the resistive touch screen. I'd really prefer one with a capacitive screen, myself.

Of the research I've done, this one is probably the best bang for your buck, for now.
Uh, seriously? *Can'tSayThisOnTV* tablets.

BUT, if you want one anyway, the MIDnite is a GREAT choice, seriously.
If you own ANYTHING nowadays, you're a beta tester, suck it up. You know you 360 and PS3 and PC games all get updates? And Firmware/OS Upgrades? And like how phones update? How you can't find EXACTLY the same pillowcase at Target 3 months after you bought one, but there's one that's PRETTY DAMNED CLOSE from the same manufacturer? Yeah.

The MIDnite 7 is Dang good at a Dang good price.
Software is different -- if an improved version is released you can just perform an update and you're good. But you can't do that with hardware. I don't like the possibility of it having hardware features that I want added mere months after I've already bought one. If they released improved hardware but with a higher price, or I waited too long and they released a new one after I bought one (like with Apple's annual updates), not a big deal. However, two or three months after it launched they released a new version with a gyro-sensor for the same price, and I'm sure the people who bought them originally weren't pleased. Not cool, and who's to say they won't do it again if I buy one now?

Sure, I know it'll probably be obsolete by the time I buy one anyways, but if they add hardware features I want within a few months? The same model and the same price? Heck to the no, why would I want to buy one then? I want more security than that.

Other than that I think it looks awesome, but that's my major hangup.
most touch tablets have the power of a $200 netbook, but have a touch screen and go for $500+

If you want a serious tablet, buy a tablet PC with a wacom digitalizer from around a year or two ago 2nd hand. Most people put screen protectors on theirs so the screens will usually be flawless. these things run off with windows OS's (XP Vista and 7) so they are very versatile, though not many of them have powerful graphics cards.

I'm in the process of buying my second tablet PC and I have nothing but good things to say about them. A good site for information on them (and also Android tablets) is
You know, I'm actually considering doing that now. It's right within my price range, too. :awesome:

Need to do some more research on it before I make a definitive decision, though, but it could be viable.
Id be tempted too except they're not on sale in the UK and I have a Dell Streak :p
So, like, how risky is the rooting process? I'd hate to screw it up. If it's anything like CFW-ing a PSP I should have no problem. :p
I put custom firmware my streak in about an hour with a set of rather dodgy instructions which were nigh on impossible. If i could do the steak, the Nook should be a doddle, as easy as a PSP I'd guess.
Well, I got to have some hands-on time with a Nook Color at Barnes and Noble yesterday. It's a nice device and I'd be very happy to be able to use one as an Android tablet. Supposedly gets a battery life of around eight hours of constant usage, too (at least, that's what the salesman at the store told me), which would be fantastic.

I'm still looking into guides on rooting it to see if I can understand them and figure out just how much of a risk there is in performing the rooting process. I'm trying to research this as thoroughly as I can, because if I bricked it I'd be out a $250 Christmas present. D:

And let's say I did brick it. Is all hope lost or is there a way to restore it? Or does it depend on what happened?
Check out Archos' Android tablets. They're priced really low for what you get, I think they all even have capacitive touchscreens. The only issue I know of is they don't have the Market installed on them, but it looks like a 5 minute job to put it on. Unfortunately, most of their models aren't available right now, I think they're sold out.
samjc3 said:
Woah. I hadnt seen the new line of Archos' stuff. Now I am consumed by want.
You and me both. I bid $200 on an 8GB Archos 70, which put the current bid to $150, and I was outbid within minutes. These things are hotcakes.
I don't know, I've looked at some of Archos' models and in comparison to the Nook Color none of them were that appealing. I've heard some of them were crap, too, though I don't remember specifically which. Besides, I don't know of any store that sells them that have them available to try one out -- Barnes and Noble let me have hands-on experience with the Color, with several units, and they were consistently good. Thus, I'm 99.9% sure I'm going with the Nook Color. If anyone can help me out with the questions I asked in my last post, I'd much appreciate it and I could change how sure I am to 100%.
Rooting the Nook is still in it's infancy (most of the stuff I found was less than a week old). I personally would wait a few weeks until there is more info about it before trying it. I would guess that by Christmas, rooting should be a lot more common/easier/safer.
Well, yeah, I'm not gonna get it until Christmas anyways. >_>

Hmm, apparently someone has gotten Froyo running on the Nook Color as of today. Sounds rather suspicious as there's no proof of it happening or even any outside sources used in the article. :neutral2:

Still, even if it's not true, I very much like the idea of this thing.
Oh yeah, forgot about this thread. :p

That there is the plan, Mario. In fact, I got my Nook Color a week ago today. Can't wait for Christmas!

Also, apparently Barnes and Noble is going to be releasing Froyo for the Color sometime in early 2011. This thing just gets better and better! :awesomeTW: