Zack's NEW Portable Gamecube Rev 1


Well-Known Member
Original Worklog --> viewtopic.php?f=36&t=12125

Ok, so this GCP has been finished for awhile, but not officially announced. Also I've still been making improvements and recently added new features, so today I can now say it is ENTIRELY, OFFICIALLY AND COMPLETELY FINISHED.
First a little background - This is my first GCP I've built, but I've been at this project for a good few years. I went through about 8 GameCube motherboards in the process. Once I got it right, the final result only took a few months to complete.

- ZN-40 case with laser-cut holes
- 5" Innolux 640x480 TFT LCD from Ebay
- Original gamecube controls
- Wiikey Fusion with Swiss autoboot
- Custom regulator
- TPA6021A4 audio amp from TI
- External battery pack
- Internal memory card A and external Slot B
- Original gamecube DC plug and AV out
- Full 4-player multiplayer support
- 3D printed features

Here's pics of the final portable.




Also my video update
This is Amazing :D Good job Zack! i actually stole your design for my almost completed portable. Can i ask how you mounted your buttons to your GCP and what is that blue stuff you used to fill in the engraving?
Xtreme said:
This is Amazing :D Good job Zack! i actually stole your design for my almost completed portable. Can i ask how you mounted your buttons to your GCP and what is that blue stuff you used to fill in the engraving?
Thanks, the buttons were mounted with a piece of perfboard glued to some supports. You can see how that looks at around 0:46 of the video. The blue stuff is just paint :P
zack said:
Xtreme said:
This is Amazing :D Good job Zack! i actually stole your design for my almost completed portable. Can i ask how you mounted your buttons to your GCP and what is that blue stuff you used to fill in the engraving?
Thanks, the buttons were mounted with a piece of perfboard glued to some supports. You can see how that looks at around 0:46 of the video. The blue stuff is just paint :P

Your painting skills are truly masterful. im impressed :D managed to take one of the most unoriginal cases and turn it into a sexy portable. The grills are very nice.
Hay zack, great proble you got there man!
Fantastic work! I remeber when you first started your GCp back in the day,
But you did it after lots of hard work and here you got a GCp!
Man I really love the well organized stuff you made for the case and the design is super cool.

How easy was it to make the player port adapter?
I like what you made and wonder how I can make one the same way,
Any diagrams or such?

It's really cool stuff. Also battery pack is asweome.

I thought the portable you made was for you to have, np it's asweom that you made it etheir way,
I'm glad to see you finally finished your GCp that you set out to make from um, I forgot how long it's been now, um 4 or so years?

My portable quest is from 2010, when I joined benheck back then, I'm nearly there, to finishing it, but what is holding me back is that battery pack I added in, I'm not sure if it will work okay or such, I hope it does.

Well your Finished GCp made me get off my lazy ass and get working on my nearly-finished GCp. :)