Mister Shuckle
Active Member
Okies, I wanna' get rid of the Atari. It's not doing me any good just sitting around with no cables and I get the feeling that it could probably do better with some of you guys. Here's a pic of the system, and the joystick.
List of items wanted
Super Mario bros 2 + Super Mario bros 3 + NES zapper- $25.00 (5 weeks)- Yoshilime M.R.
Kirby's Adventure
Super Mario all-stars
Pokemon stadium 2 & Transfer pak- $15.00 (3 weeks)- DJ711
Original model GameBoy & Super Mario bros DX- $39 (8 weeks)- J.D.
GameBoy Pocket/Color (Will only buy if I get Gold/Silver/Crystal)
Pokemon Gold- $10.00 (2 weeks)- Gunk
Super Mario land/2
Link cable
Box/Manual/Anything from Pokemon Blue
Reverse hexagon screwdriver
Anything with Blastoise on it
For trade
Atari 7800 prosystem- Untested due to no cables, might have a joystick or two lying around somewhere
Atari Baseball- Cart only
Sega Genesis controller
Metal Gear- NES, Cart only
Dennis the menace- SNES, Cart only
Donkey Kong 64- N64, Cart only
Super Mario 64- N64, Cart only
Dr. Mario- Gameboy, Cart only
Sony VAIO laptop- Dead hard drive, No battery (The old one busted), Really only good for parts
Pokemon mystery dungeon: Explorers of darkness- Complete, has box, manual and cart
New super Mario bros lunchbox- A little dinged up, good parts storage.
PSP pandora battery
Pokemon Pearl- Complete, except for the poster. I'm keeping the poster.
NES poster- I'd really rather not get rid of this. It's got a tear or two, but they're small.
N64 controller- Aftermarket, clear green
TMNT: fall of the foot clan GBC- Has some damage, bite marks and such. Cart only.
Burger king Yoshi toy- Still in the package. If anyone wants this one, they might need to wait a little, as I can't find it. XD

List of items wanted
Super Mario bros 2 + Super Mario bros 3 + NES zapper- $25.00 (5 weeks)- Yoshilime M.R.
Kirby's Adventure
Super Mario all-stars
Pokemon stadium 2 & Transfer pak- $15.00 (3 weeks)- DJ711
Original model GameBoy & Super Mario bros DX- $39 (8 weeks)- J.D.
GameBoy Pocket/Color (Will only buy if I get Gold/Silver/Crystal)
Pokemon Gold- $10.00 (2 weeks)- Gunk
Super Mario land/2
Link cable
Box/Manual/Anything from Pokemon Blue
Reverse hexagon screwdriver
Anything with Blastoise on it
For trade
Atari 7800 prosystem- Untested due to no cables, might have a joystick or two lying around somewhere
Atari Baseball- Cart only
Sega Genesis controller
Metal Gear- NES, Cart only
Dennis the menace- SNES, Cart only
Donkey Kong 64- N64, Cart only
Super Mario 64- N64, Cart only
Dr. Mario- Gameboy, Cart only
Sony VAIO laptop- Dead hard drive, No battery (The old one busted), Really only good for parts
Pokemon mystery dungeon: Explorers of darkness- Complete, has box, manual and cart
New super Mario bros lunchbox- A little dinged up, good parts storage.

PSP pandora battery
Pokemon Pearl- Complete, except for the poster. I'm keeping the poster.

NES poster- I'd really rather not get rid of this. It's got a tear or two, but they're small.
N64 controller- Aftermarket, clear green
TMNT: fall of the foot clan GBC- Has some damage, bite marks and such. Cart only.
Burger king Yoshi toy- Still in the package. If anyone wants this one, they might need to wait a little, as I can't find it. XD