WTS/T: Atari 7800

Mister Shuckle

Active Member
Okies, I wanna' get rid of the Atari. It's not doing me any good just sitting around with no cables and I get the feeling that it could probably do better with some of you guys. Here's a pic of the system, and the joystick.


List of items wanted
Super Mario bros 2 + Super Mario bros 3 + NES zapper- $25.00 (5 weeks)- Yoshilime M.R.
Kirby's Adventure

Super Mario all-stars

Pokemon stadium 2 & Transfer pak- $15.00 (3 weeks)- DJ711

Original model GameBoy & Super Mario bros DX- $39 (8 weeks)- J.D.
GameBoy Pocket/Color (Will only buy if I get Gold/Silver/Crystal)
Pokemon Gold- $10.00 (2 weeks)- Gunk
Super Mario land/2
Link cable
Box/Manual/Anything from Pokemon Blue

Reverse hexagon screwdriver
Anything with Blastoise on it

For trade
Atari 7800 prosystem- Untested due to no cables, might have a joystick or two lying around somewhere
Atari Baseball- Cart only
Sega Genesis controller
Metal Gear- NES, Cart only
Dennis the menace- SNES, Cart only
Donkey Kong 64- N64, Cart only
Super Mario 64- N64, Cart only
Dr. Mario- Gameboy, Cart only
Sony VAIO laptop- Dead hard drive, No battery (The old one busted), Really only good for parts
Pokemon mystery dungeon: Explorers of darkness- Complete, has box, manual and cart
New super Mario bros lunchbox- A little dinged up, good parts storage. :P
PSP pandora battery
Pokemon Pearl- Complete, except for the poster. I'm keeping the poster. :P
NES poster- I'd really rather not get rid of this. It's got a tear or two, but they're small.
N64 controller- Aftermarket, clear green
TMNT: fall of the foot clan GBC- Has some damage, bite marks and such. Cart only.
Burger king Yoshi toy- Still in the package. If anyone wants this one, they might need to wait a little, as I can't find it. XD
Re: WTB: Pokemon Stadium & others, too many to list here. :P

I have a cart of SMB DX that kinda works.
Re: WTB: Pokemon Stadium & others, too many to list here. :P

Uhh...$9 shipped? I'm pretty sure I can just mail it.
Re: WTB: Pokemon Stadium & others, too many to list here. :P


I also have a custom painted DMG with a body painted with green Krylon fusion and black screen border/buttons. The screen and buttons I'll repaint but the green is perfect. $30?
Re: WTB: Pokemon Stadium & others, too many to list here. :P

I have Pokemon Stadium 2 and a Transfer pack, 15 dollars?
Re: WTB: Pokemon Stadium & others, too many to list here. :P

Deal, on both of 'em. J.D., is it alright if I buy your stuff after buying Stadium? I've been looking for Stadium for quite a while since I've beaten Blue and wanted to try out my Lv100 Blastoise on something.

Here's the total prices for each member and how long it'll take me to save for each (not counting shipping)

J.D.- $39 (8 weeks)
Super Mario land- $9
Custom DMG- $30

DJ711- $15 (3 weeks)
Pokemon Stadium 2- $10
Transfer pak- $5
Re: WTB: Pokemon Stadium & others, too many to list here. :P

Sounds excellent! I'm thinking I'll buy these by which one's lowest first, then after I send of the envelope for that one I'll start saving for the next. ^_^

You'll be added onto my list.
Re: WTB: Pokemon Stadium & others, too many to list here. :P

Just ask your parents to do some work around your house for like 5$ an hour, you'll get your money faster.
Re: WTB: Pokemon Stadium & others, too many to list here. :P

I did, but sadly, I live with my retired grandparents and my grandpa has a lot of medicine he has to buy, so we're short on money. >.<

However, I may get a summer job at WalMart or McDonalds or something. It'd have to be within biking distance since I don't have my drivers liscense yet. D:
Re: WTB: Pokemon Stadium & others, too many to list here. :P

You could always trade with people or sell stuff.
Re: WTB: Pokemon Stadium & others, too many to list here. :P

Sorry for the double post, but I just thought I'd say that I updated the first post with everything I could find that's worth trading. ^_^