WTB: psone screen speakers


Crazy Train
or some other nice sounding small speakers. If you have the latter, give me the dimensions in mm. I'd prefer they not be bigger than a quarter or 1/2 dollar piece at most.
Psone speakers arent quarter sized all but I do have some. If you want really small speakers get some ds lite speakers. I can also get nickel sized speakers which IDK how they sound. PM me if you wants,
Ive got a set of the speakers from that ipod speaker that Hail was fond of using. They're pretty Dang good quality. I can wing em your way, if you'd like.
I'm still interested, guys, but It will have to wait a few days. My audio amp fried so I am waiting for another to come in the mail. The speakers on it sound alright, but are several mm to thick.