WIP: Gamecube Round 2

Last portable I finished up was only ever meant to be a prototype and not last long. Well wiring issues and the like have led to it not lasting long and it has been scrapped for parts.

So the new GameCube will be a portable that still has full console functionality. That is the intention anyways. I also got a 3D printer now to make the case modular and where I can actually mount individual pieces.

Steps done so far:
1. I have already VGA modded the component cable that I plan on using and it is connected and working with my 5.6" Dalian good display scree. clarity is amazing and I love it!
2. Batteries are good to go and wired up
3. 32 pin ribbon cable is neatly trimmed and wired to the mother board.

Works in progress:
1. 3D model / render for case. (this will not be finalized until all parts are wired and I have more accurate measurements.
2.Board trimming, 2 sides are trimmed, but i still have the last 2 sides to trim and remove the ports
3. Wiring up sd gecko and memcard to board
4. Wire up power connections and voltage regulators
5. Wire up controller and rumble motors

Here is where I need the help though!
1. Wiikey freezes up!
I will attempt to give as much detail as I can to try and get helpful feedback
1: tested board with disk drive prior to trimming and no problems so not the trim job
2: currently outputting in progressive scan to 480p display
3: Board is NTSC IPL 1.0
4: Swiss flashed auto load (still have to go up to game and press start but no pin 29 switch)
5: Loads swiss every time without fail! only crashes once in games
6: I know certain games require certain settings changes and I do that accordingly for said games
7: I have attempted from different SD cards and sizes but to no avail
8: connection is some kynar wire soldered to the cut 32 pin ribbon cable and wired directly to the board.

These wires were longer but have been trimmed down to cut down on interference and try to solve the problem. Earlier las night the cube was working flawlessly and I enjoyed some Metroid, Smash, Prince of Persia, Godzilla, and Pikimin. Then accordingly because everything seemed to be in order, a healthy dose of superglue was applied (I'll probably come to regret that).

If you have any other questions about the set up please feel free to ask! All input is appreciated and hopefully we can figure this out. My question is if this may be a bad flash that I have? Because it seems to load to swiss every time no problem and only ever struggle in game.

Bonus question: How do you get Luigi's Mansion to work on a wiikey with swiss? I know I've seen people say it is possible, but I've never been able to get it to load the NTSC version and Pal is visually very buggy.