Will be AFK for a bit


ModRetro Legend
So, yeah. I'm moving to a bigger but kind of dumpy house. I'll be AFK at least until late Thursday, but probably quite a bit longer, until Friday or Saturday.

The upshot of moving is that I have more room, in fact enough for an arcade cab.
Well, turns out that wouldn't be my last post. Using a computer at school right now. And yeah, I packed YAP64 safe and no, I'm not getting a Tapper cab (or any cab, since I can't find anything arcade-related here). But no school tomorrow, but hopefully I'll be set up by then.

So, not as bad as I was afraid of. And Heck, I have an Eee PC (somewhere) and there are a few unsecured wireless networks in my neighbourhood ;)
Even better! It's still a mess, but I have internets back up! And my subwoofer is almost in the right spot to act as my footrest again!
Re: Will be AFK inevitably, your mom your bit

I'm having an interesting time with these word filters, what in the world is going on. *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING APRIL FOOLS.
Actually, it's not an April Fools joke. Everyone at school thought it was one too, you're not the only one.

So yeah, my computer is set up and I'm starting to unpack my consoles, but I won't be able to work on YAP64 for a while. And this place is a dump- bigger than my old house, but a disaster. There's ghetto-rigged flax all over, the place stinks and needs a paint job, the toilets are broken (usable... barely), the kitchen exhaust fan has no vent, it goes on and on. So the first priority is paint and shelving, and getting the workshop area set up in there somewhere.

But hey, I now have enough room for an arcade machine. It's too bad my parents made my get rid of my 19" TV, but I think I have an extra monitor around here somewhere.