WiiT (a touchscreen wii).


Frequent Poster
I pretty much have $300 to work with.

http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-3-5-Inch-LCD-TF ... 41588aac2c

http://cgi.ebay.com/Mini-4-3-LCD-Car-Re ... 4aaa39b6b9

http://cgi.ebay.com/7-TFT-LCD-Color-Car ... 2310e0b849

Update June 8th 2011: pic of design

Update June 14h 2011: Just got everything ordered/in hand
Re: WiiT (a wii tablet).

Go for it, I say!

Ironic(?) thing is, is that If I ever tried any console modding project, I would have to spend thrice as much as any of you guys due to shipping.
Unless I bought supplies in bulk.
and only used these supplies.
bought all he pars from friends and people on here.

So Far i have to Thank Palmer for the support :awesome: , Antome for the enthusiasm and sketch :D , Zenloc for the Sundriver :wink: , Samjc3 for the batteries :mrgreen: , and some irl friends for the other parts :sweat: .
Hackerbilly said:
this reminds me of the new wiiu

it basically is:

only thing is..what would the touchscreen do? i just know in the wiiu yoy plug it into the wii and the touchscreen is to control the wiiu...simce this wont plug into it i dont understand what its for..mind explaining? :wink:

EDIT: its a wiiU but 10x better.
Spoleyo said:
Hackerbilly said:
this reminds me of the new wiiu

it basically is:

only thing is..what would the touchscreen do? i just know in the wiiu yoy plug it into the wii and the touchscreen is to control the wiiu...simce this wont plug into it i dont understand what its for..mind explaining? :wink:
The touchscreen is for the menus so i can navigate through them without using the wiimote.
oohh ok thats what i assumed..but thats still really awesome...i camt wait to see how this turns out..good luck :wink:
Spoleyo said:
oohh ok thats what i assumed..but thats still really awesome...i camt wait to see how this turns out..good luck :wink:
Thanks for the motivation will definitely put you in the "People who helped make this possible" list.

Also I will post updates at least once a week.
BoFoSho said:
Spoleyo said:
oohh ok thats what i assumed..but thats still really awesome...i camt wait to see how this turns out..good luck :wink:
Thanks for the motivation will definitely put you in the "People who helped make this possible" list.

Also I will post updates at least once a week.

always wanted to help make things possible :lol: cant wait!
BoFoSho said:
ShockSlayer said:
How exactly are you going to make the touchscreen work? :/

Jlee is helping me. :awesome:

well, how do you expect to get rid of the IR leds seeing the wiimote to control through menus and replace it with a touchscreen? do you have any plans of this yet?