Wii/Gamecube controller

I know that there's some mod you can do to your wii that can bypass the original menu, and boot into a menu that is able to be scrolled through by a gamecube controller. Grrrr, can't remember what it's called.
What about a classic controller? I know it can't play GC games (which is really stupid) but can it scroll through menu?
Yes, it can.

Nintendo actually has a legit reason, it would be near impossible to allow a classic controller play GC games. They could let a GC controller use the wii menu, though.
A Guitar Hero controller also lets you move through the Wii menu, though I don't think that's quite what you're looking for, is it?
PalmerTech said:
Yes, it can.

Nintendo actually has a legit reason, it would be near impossible to allow a classic controller play GC games. They could let a GC controller use the wii menu, though.

Why would it be near impossible?
because all of the features that are wii related are shut down once you enter gamecube mode, except for the disk drive. there actually are different IOS's for the Wii part and Gamecube parts so once you swtich over to the mIOS there is no way of returning unless they redid every single gamecube game that was ever released.
so basically nintendo isnt as good at this "backwards compatibility stuff" as sony? (before the new flaxty iteration of the ps3's, i mean)
It would have been possible to do, but it would also have added a lot of cost and complexity, all just for letting you play with a different controller, one that is not even the right configuration for most GC games anyways. Nintendo has the skillz, but it is a pretty low priority complaint.
To the OP, as someone else mentioned, you can use a gamecube controller to boot games if that's what you want to be able to do with it, if you install a combination of Bootmii, Homebrew Channel, and Gecko OS. See my Wii Hacking Guide for more details on how exactly to do all this. If you have any questions on it, feel free to post some questions in that thread.