Where can I trim a Genesis 2?

well, i will be, when i get my genesis. i know the grounding layers around the edge are safe, beyond that, i have no idea. if i kill the board, i will sand it down. if not, i wont. anyone with a dead genny feel free to send it to me.
I think that capacitor CE27 does not do anything. I know this because I accidently broke it off an lost it. There doesnt seem to be a difference graphic wise, although I could be wrong because I only have the rf cord, not composite.
I wouldn't try removing too many other caps, if I were you. I was able to remove all but three caps on mine, but I only tested up to the boot screen each time. Once I got in game, stuff graphics started to look funny.
Caps in old consoles almost always are responsible for power stability. Often ones on power lines aren't always necessary but are good to have.
So if there are caps that dont make the graphics change, those probably make it harder for the system to fry, right? So that would mean that I would want to keep as many of these as possible, and have the genesis cut as small as possible(for me) so the portable wont fry?
I am not going to even attempt to facepalm, as the fail would make me facepalm too hard, thus pushing my hand through my head.
