W Wright123 Newb Mar 5, 2013 #1 whats the best case for a gamecube portableto satrt with and the sand down and change
superben51 Well-Known Member Mar 8, 2013 #3 If you don't mind paying some then I would have to say for a beginner, a ZN-40 or a ZN-45 from polycase.
If you don't mind paying some then I would have to say for a beginner, a ZN-40 or a ZN-45 from polycase.
B bardicus80 Member Mar 9, 2013 #4 I got the zn-40 from polycase and I things it's a sick case personally nice and basic and easy to work with
I got the zn-40 from polycase and I things it's a sick case personally nice and basic and easy to work with