What to do with 4 thousand LEDs.....


Frequent Poster
2000 each red and green. 3 mm. Could get another 1000 5mm Red right angle LEDs.

Trying to think of some insanely power hungry project that would implement 4000 LEDs.

A full-body LED suit. Cover yourself with LEDs from head to toe (shield your eyes or you won't be able to see well). You just might make a fashion statement!
And somehow power 4000 LEDs off of batteries for a decent am
ount of time....? :lol:

If they draw 20 mA each, that's 80 amps. Lol.
Aguiluz said:
A full-body LED suit. Cover yourself with LEDs from head to toe (shield your eyes or you won't be able to see well). You just might make a fashion statement!
Whatever you do with them, I hope you have fun wiring every single one of them. You should definitely make a Daft Punk helmet...thing while you can. Or make a tiny little christmas tree out of them!

What I did with them would have to be stationary, and connected to the house for power.

Maybe make some monstrous system of lights in my room that would make the whole place red upon turning on?