What the *Can'tSayThisOnTV*?

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Alright, so I relocated my cart slot and all I get is what sounds like half speed audio, and black and white bars on the screen with scrambles. No video at all. I just got this board, and it worked fine in case and caseless. I've tried three different cart slots, desoldered and resoldered the wires, checked numerous times for shorts, and I even got new wire, but I get the same thing every time. It it means anything, it's a rev9-1 and I have it relocated from the back but I don't see how that matters. Also I'm 1337% sure I have the wires soldered to the right spots.

Any ideas?
When I RCP wired, I had black and white lines scrolling down the screen, but no audio. It was because I never connected 3.3 volts to the back of the board. I don't know how much you've cut it, but check to make sure there is 3.3 volts going everywhere it should. Also, what happened to the board I sent you?
I haven't trimmed this board at all.

The board you sent me worked fine at first then it just quit.
MODDEDbyME said:
do you have either and expansion pack or jumper pack in because N64's don't run at all without them
Did you seriously just ask me that? :facepalm:

Of course I had one in. I tried several different ones.
budnespid said:
MODDEDbyME said:
do you have either and expansion pack or jumper pack in because N64's don't run at all without them
Did you seriously just ask me that? :facepalm:

Of course I had one in. I tried several different ones.
Don't hate on the guy for that, bud. That is the reason they don't work for 75%+ people in my experience. Even I forget them sometimes, and I've worked with at least 9 N64s in my modding career.
Sorry if I sounded like a dick, but I was beyond pissed when I posted. I apologize.

For the record I have worked with 13 :p
Re: What the *PLINK*?

Check for shorts around the ram and the expansion pak, I had the same problem when I was replacing some ram on an n64 board with 4meg chips rather than the 2 meg ones.
Check the wire length. I was reading about the 64boy and bentomo had problems with RCP wiring but it turned out to be the length.
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