
Frequent Poster

Well, it started as an attempt to copy gamesaves, but that kind of just seems to wipe both carts. We are still experimenting. What it's good for is: we are running a SSB64 tourney, and need to unlock everything on a bunch of different carts. This makes it way faster.
I guess. Couldn't you have just used the gameshark itself, though? Or was that just spare parts lying around?

Cool that it works, though.
Probably not, maybe bibin just hooked up the lines for save data to a second cart slot, and beta screwed it into the case. S'a good deal o' wirin' thar, what with basically a whole slot, then however many wires for save data.

Nope, every pin. It's not clear which ones are for saving, and we didn't do much research for it :neutral2:

Two mismatched carts just doesn't boot.
Wait so, it's two cartridge slots wired together and plugged into an N64? So when you write a save file, it goes onto both carts? Why not use an Arduino to clone the save data on the EEPROM on a fully unlocked card and write it to as many other carts as you want? XD
ShockSlayer said:
Because that's stupid and costs money. This is easy and basically free.
This. I would much rather use a microcontroller on another project. Possibly a... *gun shot*.

- mymixed