What am I doing wrong?...


I am currently trying to make gamecube backups by simply burning games onto-well, we all know what "backups" are, yet I have failed in making a disk that is successful as of yet.

What I currently have i the way of making backups:

1. Imgburn program [version 2.0.something]
2. Mini dvds [brand = memorex] that can hold up to 1.4 gb and can be written up to 4x speed, and are very shiny
3. Sony usb VRD-VC20 dvd-r burning disk drive
4. Of course .iso files that all amount to 1,425,760 kb
5 Xeno gc 2.0 [POT = ???]

I didnt put the chip in but I know that the people who did managed to get a burned-game to work.

Anyone actually tried a method that worked? It's okay if you haven't, advice is fine.
The pot is located on the small disk drive's PCB. It'll look kinda like a cross shaped indentation. Be very, very careful when turning it though, it can break your disk drive if you mess with it too much.
lol, I dated several Canadians, not to mention the guy who created the Scott Pilgrim graphic-novels was Canadian, and for that alone, I think Canadians kick more ass than us.

wow. :D anyway, I tried the mehod that mako321 mentioned in my topic about gamecube backs [kinda like this one] and sadly when I tried imgburn, my gamecube didn't even recognize a disk was in it.

My theory is that I need a different type of disk.
This is the same tye of disk I used:http://www.amazon.com/MEMOREX-DVD-R...office-products&qid=1281853163&sr=8-2-catcorr, I don't see anything wrong with it. Suggestions?
You're using DVD-RWs. I'm not sure about the GameCube, but in general, consoles don't like -RW media very much. Standard -R media is a much better choice. Also, Memorex media is cheap flax.
Well coo,l I will try with dvd-r. What kind should I get, particularly for the gamecube? Any particular brand?
Try anything. If I could suggest one thing, open up your cube and try some full sized disks. They'll work, but the gamecube is too small the accept them normally.
I have heard of moddified cases for the gamecube, that allow it to fit normal dvds, but I haven't been able to find in....well, I've just never found one, but thats good advice! I've already considered modding my case myself but I kinda........yeah......not much self-esteem in that department.
lol. that's a good point. Sadly for the portable screen I'm using [it's attached to my case] can't be removed very easily... :(