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I'm playing around with a GCP.
I have a 1.9v, 3.3v, 5v regulator on the respective lines. Plus 7.4v to the 12v audio line.
I am using an audio amp from a ipod speaker.
When I hook it all up I get a loud hum through the audio. When I leave it all hooked up but run the audio amp by itself with separate 7.4v battery, no hum.
The only thing I can think of is some kind of ground loop.
The board is trimmed but only the outside gold grounding area. I see a cap I "may" have trimmed off on the very corner near the power pads. But I have hooked up a 100uf cap there and no difference.
Any ideas?
I have a 1.9v, 3.3v, 5v regulator on the respective lines. Plus 7.4v to the 12v audio line.
I am using an audio amp from a ipod speaker.
When I hook it all up I get a loud hum through the audio. When I leave it all hooked up but run the audio amp by itself with separate 7.4v battery, no hum.
The only thing I can think of is some kind of ground loop.
The board is trimmed but only the outside gold grounding area. I see a cap I "may" have trimmed off on the very corner near the power pads. But I have hooked up a 100uf cap there and no difference.
Any ideas?