Weird Gamecube audio problem


Frequent Poster
I'm playing around with a GCP.

I have a 1.9v, 3.3v, 5v regulator on the respective lines. Plus 7.4v to the 12v audio line.

I am using an audio amp from a ipod speaker.

When I hook it all up I get a loud hum through the audio. When I leave it all hooked up but run the audio amp by itself with separate 7.4v battery, no hum.

The only thing I can think of is some kind of ground loop.

The board is trimmed but only the outside gold grounding area. I see a cap I "may" have trimmed off on the very corner near the power pads. But I have hooked up a 100uf cap there and no difference.

Any ideas?
I had this issue with the iLuv setup you recommended (thx!). I switched to shielded wire and wired the ground straight to the one of the ground legs of the GC audio amp and all is well.

I also figured out how to get the iLuv to turn on with the system if you're using that specific setup and don't already know. :D
Ashen said:
I had this issue with the iLuv setup you recommended (thx!). I switched to shielded wire and wired the ground straight to the one of the ground legs of the GC audio amp and all is well.

I also figured out how to get the iLuv to turn on with the system if you're using that specific setup and don't already know. :D
I wouldn't mind hearing how you got it to turn on with the system.
Quoted from my worklog.

Finally figured out how to get the iLuv audio amp to power on at system start. I should just start looking at datasheets i guess as it seems to save me lots of time and frustration. For those interested, just input 4.5/5v to pin 12 on the audio amp chip of the iLuv that will get you power at power on and bypass the need to press the on/off tact switch :D

Only a bit of wiring to do now then I can close this puppy up and jam some MP :)
Fixed it.

Turns out is was the wire. I was using controller wire. Guess it was to small. Weird.

Put on regular 22 gauge power wires and it works perfect.


But thanks Ashen :)
Sure thing man. Good to know for next time. I was using IDE wire when I was having this problem, next time I'll try some higher gauge stuff instead of shielded and see how I make out.