Wat type of qurtz crystal you use for overclocking a gameboy


Well-Known Member

is this the type you use because i got like over 100 in a yard sale for $1 stile in the package
i would like to know because i just got 5 gameboy pockets and 5 gameboy colors for $20 and i would like to know if i could use the crystals in the pic above and sorry the title is misspelled and stuff it is because i ran out of letters i could use in the title
Re: Wat type of qurtz crystal you use for overclocking a gam

Yes, those are the types of oscillators that would be used. As far as the pockets go, the oscillator would have to be around 8 MHz to double the speed (the MHz value should be on the side of the crystal), because the original oscillator in the pocket is 4 MHz. I'm unsure of the clock speed that the Color runs at, but I'm sure it's around here somewhere :D
Re: Wat type of qurtz crystal you use for overclocking a gam

alright so those are the types i need thanks i was just wondering it great now i got to search through my box of 100 for one oh well wish me luck and thanks NTerror7