wasp troubles

Hello. Last year I ordered my wasp fusion from badassconsoles in order to create a GameCube portable. I decided to restart this project by testing the wasp fusion on my Wii. When clicking start on the disk menu, this popped up on the screen http://m.imgur.com/qRS6EPO
The wasp fusion should be running swiss as it was ordered from badassconsoles and the Wii is running 4.3U. Has anyone else had this problem before? And if so, is it a Wii problem or Wasp problem?
That's a Wii problem. I believe your Wii must be softmodded for that to happen, and the cause is likely one of your cIOSs being outdated or not installed correctly. Use syscheck GX (downloadable on the homebrew browser) to check which cIOSs are installed see if any of them are old.