Voltage regulator setup + fuse

my main problem is since I blew the PSOne fuse the voltage regulator wont out put anywhere near 8v (its outputting 1.12V) any more (even though its getting ground this time). What's even more worrying is the power regulator board doesn't even output 12 V from pin 21 any more either (we're talking something like 0.98V)

the red wire going into the power board is delivering 12V, I can't imagine I killed the power regulator board since the light of the game cube still turns on. What might I be doing wrong

Also what value is the fuse on the PSOne screen that blows if you input more than 8.5V at 7.5V in (Pin 1, Socket 1 I believe). people say put a blob of solder over it but I'd much rather the protection of a fuse.
The 12v pin on a GameCube's regulator is super sensitive. If you short it just once with the 5v pin next to it, it's probably gone. But you don't need it.
is it just that pin or have I killed the whole board, if its just that pin can I connect a wire from where the thick red wire is connection (or via the wire itself) to the input of the voltage regulator. is there possibly somewhere else I can possibly get 12V from (Anything above 8V works but I've got a current reducing resistor (4 ohms) so that the input doesn't go much above 1A.

also what do you think about the fuse on the PSone screen?
I hate the voltage regulator of the gamecube. It is super sensitive, my 12v line is dead, I do not know how.
But that's okay, there is always a solution for everything, for 12v (my screen), I took the power supply of the gamecube. For sound, there is need 5v.

The voltage regulator zenlock is fine, compact ... I think I'll make one.

I recommend you put tape on the back of the voltage regulator, I made the mistake of putting their hands down, on the circuit. Smell of burned over regulator.

I fear this little card every time I turn on my gamecube now ... ^ ^ :awesome: