vacuum forming acrylic


Well-Known Member
i want to vacuum form acrylic sheets. how hot does my oven have to be to get the plastic hot enough? or is it even possible?
thanks that does help. but would it be any easier to just cut and glue in all together ? i just want a classic rectangle
okay yeah thats what i thought. would abs cement still make it on piece or just hold it together because its not ABS plastic?
I just built my vacuum forming setup and first tried it out with those acrylic sheets you can get at home depot before ordering the HIS sheets, and it does work. It definitely takes a little longer to heat up, and you have to be quick, but I was able to form it nicely around my mold.

Also, it has a tendency to crack when cooling if it was stretched too much, so forming smaller cases is better. At least in my experience.

Good luck, whatever you decide.
hey thanks for the info. i am about to go to home depot to get some anyways so i'll grab some extra ones and try both