Urgent need of help regarding regulator

Hello everyone I am new here and I really want to ask a few questions that only you guys may be able to answer.

I am building a portable GameCube for my collage project. I have come stuck on a bit, though that I will need a hand with. I am following Zenloc's custom regulator guide but my ptr08100 is broken I thin as it draws a massive current and saps the voltage. is this fixable or dead?
also i have a spare pth08080 because i ordered more of those if anyone can tell me what resistance will make that output 1.9v that will help me massively.

any help is appreciated I'm pretty much desperate


I think that the ptr08100 is built to handle many more amps then the pth08080 as the 1.9v line draws a lot more than the other lines. So you might have to order a new one.

also your username is sweet
thank you for your reply.

I have but one problem that the regulator I need is out of stock untill june, and I need it much sooner my project must be completed in may. if possible I would love if anyone can either hook me up with one or suggest an equivilant that I can use, that would be amazing :)

thanks for all your help, and the compliments on the name ;)

thanks again (I may say this too much but oh well)

love y'all and any help is so apreciated

HomelessHobbit :tophat: