

Well-Known Member
Inspired by another topic (regarding the disapproval of the education system), I figured I can offer tutoring via Skype, MSN, etc.

I can tutor mathematics up to Cal 2, Algebra-based physics, and Chemistry. Some history, but that one you can just get Wikipedia to tutor you :p

What this does mean:
1) If you have a problem with something I can walk you through clearly to find a solution.
2) If you need a last-minute cram session for a test, I can help you.
3) If you are generally struggling in that course, I can try and help you.
What this does NOT mean:
1) I will do your homework.
2) I will allocate all of my time to you. I am a college student and have a pretty packed schedule.

Well, kay. I think that's 'bout it.

My skype is [redacted]. And if I don't answer there I am on the Minecraft server a lot, so you may be able to drop in there and tell me to hop on skype.

I will not charge just yet. I need some good recommendations so I can get a side job tutoring. They don't like to hire people without some experience.
Well, that's about it. I am here if you need help.
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Now I know you said it's free (for now), I have no cash so I'll never be able to pay :( If it does end up costing!!

Add me on skype:
Hermaphroditus is a smart mofo, I recommend him for intelligent things, hands down some of the best conversations I've ever had were with him.

Sorry for not going on Skype yet!
Just been really stressed and busy!

Today I failed my year 11 2-unit maths exam... :/ 31%

I know how to do most of it, but in tests/exams I just overthink everything..
Got Excellence (equivalent of an A I guess) in year 11 number internal, which has been rewritten for a new curriculum, using 'abstract thinking' which is slightly retarded but makes getting excellence easier in some ways. (You solve the answer with working, explanation, etc then do it again to show possible outcomes, errors, fluctuations, roundings, etc)

but it's cool to know there's smart mofo's on here from which I can get help.

I also happen to be naturally terrible at measurement and I don't know why.
Measurement can be a pain. It's a lot of judgement. Y'know, all known + 1 unknown for significant figures. Plus calipers are annoying.
LMAO, if I pretended tests were normal assignments, I'd get a 0% on all of 'em. :p

I coast through school. I suppose I could help tutor people, too. I can tutor writing, vocab, and language arts on almost any level. (I haven't gotten less than a 93% on a paper since 3RD grade. I also only turn in what I write the night before.) I can help with math through Algebra II, and some statistics and trig. I can help with biology somewhat, and chemistry entirely. I can do US and World History as well. I also can help with any 3D, isometric, or 2D CAD your school has.
I meant approach them with the mentality as this is not a test, don't flip :p

I am not sure how you would tutor ELA aside from reading up on syntax, grammar, and vocab, so I didn't even list it on there. I generally do well in those classes, but again, I have no clue how you would get others to do well in them as well. Aside from MLA Formatting I can not help much in that field. History, as I said, can really be mostly done on the internet or in looking in your textbook. I have never enjoyed biology, but I could likely tutor beginning level, but I'd really much rather not. Chemistry is easy. I can tutor up to Organic Chem. I got a 4 on the AP Chem test (though I am disappointed I didn't get a 5, because then I would have gotten the poster in most Chemistry labs that says Carol didn't wear her safety goggles, and now she doesn't have to). Math is easy, I can help with most math problems people on this forum will come to me with. Again, Up to cal 2. Nowww I'm not big with isometrics, so I may take YOU up on that, B_M. That is, when I take my classes. Of course it seems pretty self-explanatory once you get used to it.