Trimmed cart slot


ModRetro Legend
I was thinking about making some mini carts. The plan is, stuff all of the guts into the front half of the cartridge and make a flush back, so it's only half as thick.

The problem with that is that you need a half as thick cart slot. So I made one.



It's 4mm thick. For reverence, the inserting part of a stock cart slot is 9mm thick.
I haven't tested it, but there's no reason why it wouldn't work.
It's actually TIGHTER than a standard cart slot. I think all my dremeling bent the pins in some.

Caveats? It's really hard to put normal sized carts in it, because the cart slot likes go into the slot between the cart contacts and the cart casing.

I cut myself really bad taking the shielding off, Dang that stuff is sharp.

'twas a flaxty relocation job, that one.

Also, in order for n64 portables to get much smaller than they are now, it's almost a requirement to do away with carts or use a palpak.

Very good to know the cart slot can be thinned that far and still work properly, nice job.
The one I sent to bo?


Too lazy for me to have bothered with it though, and bo was offering cold hard cash for it, so how could I resist?