

Well-Known Member
Are any of you guys into theatre?
I never really found out. If so, general discussion. I would like to know what you guys think. :)

It's just me?

I'm not an actor, but I enjoy plays.

I've seen The Glass Menagerie, Death of a Salesman, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, Macbeth, Waiting for Godot, and a few plays my school put on.

I've also read MANY MAAAANY plays.
See, I don't care for Shakespeare. And it's not for lack of comprehension of the text or anything, I just find a lot of it to be dry as far as plays go. Sure, character development is nothing short of amazing, and he does have witty plays on words, but I just... don't like it.

Though I did thoroughly enjoy Midsummer Night's Dream when I read it, and I saw a local production of King Lear over the summer.
AfroLH said:
Waiting for Godot

:U Jello-SS

I was in the play in my senior year, I played "Mr." Waughop in Meet Me in St. Louis, normally Mrs. but because of what I did one day for spirit week I was asked to play that part because I turned out to be a wonderful angry old man, had to change my voice to an impression of Littlekuriboh's impression of David Bowie because the raspy one didn't transfer well. The character was written unisex enough to be a simple change. :awesome:

I've also done speech/debate(PFD, some LD, and some weird other formats) since 10th grade, and a lot of that was impromptu acting and then senior year I did impromptu duet acting. Got me some trophies, too. Should post some pics, Heck, maybe I can even find a video of my part in the play or something.

Segaes love actors.

I am.
I don't really read plays much.
But I love being in them. I was in everyone of my school plays except my 6th grade one.
Because I had tons of other things to do after school.
NTerror7 said:
See, I don't care for Shakespeare. And it's not for lack of comprehension of the text or anything, I just find a lot of it to be dry as far as plays go. Sure, character development is nothing short of amazing, and he does have witty plays on words, but I just... don't like it.

Though I did thoroughly enjoy Midsummer Night's Dream when I read it, and I saw a local production of King Lear over the summer.

I've always loved Shakespeare because I don't take it seriously at all. I look at all of his plays as works of satire. I feel like he's poking fun at his characters.

Also, his poetry is top-notch. Especially his Sonnets.
AfroLH said:
Also, his poetry is top-notch. Especially his Sonnets.

Agreed. And I think he purposely pokes fun at everything. His tragedies have everyone die at the end, and his comedies have people beat the flax out of eachother and then get married at the end. The only thing that I don't like is that this means it's pretty similar every time.

Also, musical theatre anybody?
Read Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.

My god that is an amazing play. Stoppard is pretty great.

I was in theatre but never actually was in a play. I was supposed to be Mac Sam in The Miss Firecracker Contest, but I was in Decathlon and couldn't allocate the time to do both, so I chose Decathlon over theatre.
Hermaphroditus said:
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

On my list.

If I may make a suggestion, you should read The Marriage of Bette and Boo by Christopher Durang. It's this twisted dark comedy that I currently have a role in, and *Can'tSayThisOnTV* me if it isn't one of the greatest things I've ever read, let alone been able to act.
I used to be really interested, but my interests shifted towards amateur filmmaking several years ago, which is more in line with what I want to create. Never actually done anything good in either one, though. :dah:
That's the thing about Shakespeare. I don't know if you necessarily mean the acting was bad, but not many people like Shakespearean work in general. It's become a very shaky area of theatre, I think.

I mean, there's Macbeth of one side of the spectrum, and then the musical "The Book of Mormon" by the co-creators of South Park all the way on the other. I believe that it all boils down to taste.
I don't mind Macbeth itself, the acting was absolutely dreadful, everyone involved should of been ashamed of themselves.
I used to be very into theater, and was a member of a theater group that did a yearly Shakespeare play. I also performed in a translated version of "Right you are if you think you are", which is a pretty funny piece. I played a singing butler, one of the leading roles. :dah:
PalmerTech said:
was a member of a theater group that did a yearly Shakespeare play

I have a group where I live that does a different Shakespeare play on the grounds of a local college every summer, though they tend to be a bit arrogant. It's all, "We do classical Shakespearean theatre. We're better actors."

And I don't know much about "Right Your Are If You Think You Are" besides the fact that it was originally Italian (?) and from the early 1900's. It sounds sweet, though :awesome: