These are my heat sinks...


Frequent Poster
are they good?
Re: These are my heatsyncs...

The orange ones are good, if they're made of copper. What's the green one?
Re: These are my heatsyncs...

You used thermal grease right? Or are they just laying on there? Also, I would switch the big orange one with the green one. The RCP usually gets the hottest with the RAM coming up close. The bottom ones are :awesome:. :D

- mymixed
I have one of the green one, it is great. Here is how I would arrange them:
Green on RAM
4 smalls on the CPU
Big one on the RCP
If I had to guess, I would say those are anodized aluminum. The green one at least.
Probably overkill. From what I can tell, the N64 doesn't get that hot. It'll do fine.
I would hope he is using thermal glue or at least the little squares from the original heat blocks.